Friday, November 7, 2008

3 down, 4 more!?

Finals, Finals and more finals. They're never ending. Ughh, hate exams lol. Alright, so what's going on lately? My finals of course. Started on the 3/11/08. Come to think of it, time past so freaking fast especially when it comes to examS. Spend about 8 hours a day studying, and lol...1/2 day gone. Next day, spend another 6 hours studying. Most important, I need to maintain my focus on what I'm studying. I don't wanna go BLANK again like last semester.

Imagine, studying so much for Digital System and when you're so into it, suddenly yr brain goes BLANK. Total blank! I was so frustrated with myself. It's either I'm too tired or I'm just remembering what I'm studying without understanding it. Hmmp, in order to prevent this from happening again, I'll just pray before I start any test/exam. Guess what? It helps a lot. So, let's look on the last 3 papers that I've finished.

1) Engineering Mathematics III

This paper was even easier than Maths II. Lol? So what's in it? 1st and 2nd order differential equations. As an example, Separable, Homogeneous, Exact and Linear equations. Next, Non Homogeneous differential equation. Gotta remember 2 methods of solving. The method of Undetermine coefficient and Variations of Parameters.

2) Engineering Entrepreneurship

Lotsa definitions and examples to remember. Gosh, this is a lil worst compared to Communication Skills I took last semester. All about entrepreneurship such as Creativity, Networking, Contracts, Tender, and etc... One thing, I forgot almost everything after that paper ahhaa.

3) Basic Electrical Technology

Hardest subject for Semester 3. Why is it so? Lecturer memang bermasalah. Datang kelas terus baca slide. Tanya soalan, tengok buku. Tanya soalan, dibalas bertanya pada kelas seterusnya. Apabila masuk kelas seterusnya, topik baru pula dibincangkan. I can say that most of us diploma 2nd year students had to study this subject by our own. Thank goodness we won't be seeing her next sem. This paper allows us to choose the topics we're gonna pick for our finals.

Example, if u wanna take question 1,2,3.5.7. All u gotta do is read Chapter 1,2,3,5 and 7. Answer 5 out of 7. Think it's easy even if we could pick the questions? Definitely NOT! I took 3 phase circuits, Electric circuit analysis, AC Machines, Transformer and Magnetic Circuits.

Anyway, I've gotta make my move now. So, "ALL THE BEST" each and everyone of you who are having exams. See ya later!

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