Wednesday, April 14, 2010

UniMAP finishing school part III

Marks the last day we would lepak together. Woke up in the morning, feeling a little lethargic after much exercise the previous day. Told the gang that we must do something together today. Convince them as much as I could. At first, their plans are to head down to the library and lepak till evening. Hell no, we can so something better than that!

Bukit Air was our first destination, but it was way too crowded. No 2nd hand water ok. Gua Kelam was our only last choice. Hope it is peaceful, nice and cooling. Prayers were answered. Thank goodness. Not just that, we had an additional 2 beautiful girls with us named Amanda and Rozellia. Both from East Malaysia.

The group :)

Entering Gua Kelam


Cepat sampai tolonglah...berat sangat air tu!

Prepared bbq for everyone. We take turns to barbecue the food of course. Fung Yih was too lazy to use the fire starter. Instead, he took the portable stove and lit up the charcoal slowly haha. Once done, we had some water activities like water gun, chasing people, and etc. The best part is to convince Amanda to get down to the waters. Kite and I had an agreement that if Rozellia gets into the water, she must do the same...and I was assigned with the job =.=''' My mission was successful after so much attempts :D

Kite & Fung Yih


Preparing the food


Mun Haw getting pawned by kids

Me, Rozellia, Kite and Amanda

Later at night, we went to Hai Tien for seafood. Had a great time knowing each other and making jokes with the group. Kite kena the most la I would say since he's the spot light of the week. At midnight, Kite, Rozellia, Amanda and I headed to the beach for drinks and star gazing. Pretty wonderful night to end the week.

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