Friday, April 16, 2010

Next phase

Well, I have about 3 more months before universities started taking me in...if there's any. That's a lot of holidays I would say. Not gonna just sleep at home and do nothing. Gonna find part time job which allows me to have flexible working hours. Though if it takes me 3 days to earn RM500 bucks, I'll definitely do it even if its 12 working hours. How long can it get? Maybe I should say whether I can tahan the pressure/workload or not haha.

Been lepaking with friends, reading, and some research about some stuffs., would be the two most visited sites for me now. Sad, if only I knew about this earlier...the knowledge I gain could be two fold...mebe more with a little more practice. It's history, and it's cool. The more I tumble, the more I learn :)

Life is a marathon, never a sprint. There's a lot of challenges and obstacles out dere waiting for me. So meantime, I'll equip myself with whtever I can within these 3 months of "honey moon". You will never see the Ace of Spades the same way anymore...never

Shaping that life which was broken...

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