Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just one step behind...


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Came early to the lab to watch my friends present their Final Year Project (FYP). It was pretty tense up cos the panels were firing all sorts of questions non-stop, and some of my buddies couldn't answered. So, the same goes for us...I supposed? Lesson is, one must fully understand his/her project to demonstrate his/her knowledge to the panels. Make them understand, or they'll murder u haha.

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Went home around 1pm++. Supposed to complete the HIRARC form for my Industrial Safety and Quality Management, but had no we postponed it. Slept for about 2 hours...then did some edits in my slide presentation, cos I didn't wanna repeat any mistakes done by my fellow course mates.

At night, went to the Pesta Konvokesyen to check things out. My roomate and I were so embarrass coz we're 3rd year students...and we're freaking wearing stupid batik shirts. Dammit, we shall not listen to the announcement anymore!

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Zhao Han, Jay, Swan, Chia Ling and I

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~ Modern Dance ~

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So little peeps in the UniMAP IT Exhibition...

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That's our local singer, Yuna ~

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