Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Let's play some cool games. Leave yr name in the comment box and I'll do as the following:

1) I'll respond with something random about u
2) I'll tell u which song or movie u remind me of
3) I'll pick a colour that I feel suits you
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me
5) I'll tell u my 1st memory of you
6) I'll tell u what animal u remind me of
7) I'll ask u something that I've always wondered about u
8) I'll tell u my favourite thing about u
9) I'll tell u my least favourite thing about u
10) If u play, U MUST DO THE SAME!


lindley (: said...

oooh pick me pick me!! ;p

Marcus said...

1) You should be running 5km in one week
2) Over It - Katherine McPhee
3) Orange
4) Of paddlepops & baboon in SMK USJ 4
5)Pengawas yang berbudi-bahasa, berdikari dan sering melepaskan budak-budak jahat spt saya.
6) Humming bird
7) How you maintain to be nice over the past few years?
8) Very outspoken
9) Why u enter college and not UNIMAP!?!?

Jolene Lee said...

Me! Haha!

Marcus said...

1) Do u have Japanese bloodline?
2) I Will Be - Leona Lewis
3) Sky blue
4) Of Cinderella and laughs when I came out of the toilet
5) Being really sporting during bbq party
6) Sea lion
7) What happens when u turn 18?
8) Sociable =)
9) Undiscovered