Monday, June 30, 2008

My legs...ahh my legs. I can barely feel them anymore. My heels has been like supporting my whole body weight for the past 12 hours for 2 days straight. Well, it's worth the pay which is RM180 for 2 days. So, I'll start off with a small yumcha with Ade and Chui Nee in Station 1 few days ago. It's atmosphere makes it look like a mini bistro. Mayb it is? Haha. There's performance...songs and even games like Jeega, if u know what issit la. Food looks pretty good, but my wallet is crying out loud. Spending like crazy. That happens when you save all the money in Perlis and spend it like nobody's business in Subang. Haha. That's my style, but it's not practical. I supposed to be saving. Here are some of our pics. Thk goodness I brought my cam to actually 'back up' Chui Nee's cam just incase she forgets to bring it. Wahahah. I'll be updating my next post about my part time job.

This is the new ugly RM50 note. Zzz



Ade's drink - Harry Potter

Chui Nee dropped this strawberry...and threw it bak into my drink

Ade, Me and Chui Nee


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